You can make the contracting request above or by emailing [email protected]. Your request to get contracted will trigger an email with a link. Simply click on the link in the email to begin the process.
You will receive an email from [email protected]. Click on the “Get Started” button to request your password for the online contracting system.
You will receive a second email from UHC with the subject line “UnitedHealthcare Medicare Solutions Agent On-Boarding” containing a temporary password. You will be prompted to change your password.
You can then start the contract application. Complete all the information requested accurately and use the “continue” button to move to the next section of the contract.
Important UHC Fee Information
Non-Resident Fees:
When all information has been entered, you will be asked to review the Agreement and “click to sign”. Select the “Send Now” button to send your contract for processing.
Contracting will typically take 3-5 business days to process. You will receive an email directly from UnitedHealthcare when your contracting is complete.
You will also receive an email from UHC with your Party ID and instructions on how to begin the certification process. The Party ID is NOT your agent number.
Once certified UHC will issue you a welcome email with a writing number. You can NOT market any products until your writing number has been issued.
You can make the contracting request above or by emailing [email protected]. Your request to get contracted will trigger an email with a link. Simply click on the link in the email to begin the process.
You will receive an email from [email protected]. Click on the “Get Started” button to request your password for the online contracting system.
You will receive a second email from UHC with the subject line “UnitedHealthcare Medicare Solutions Agent On-Boarding” containing a temporary password. You will be prompted to change your password.
You can then start the contract application. Complete all the information requested accurately and use the “continue” button to move to the next section of the contract.
Important UHC Fee Information
Non-Resident Fees:
- Agents are expected to pay non-resident appointment fees. You will not be charged for your resident state license.
- Once contracted agents are expected to write at least one piece of business.
- Failure to produce one piece of business when contracted from 11/31 to 4/1 will result in a $200 to $250 fee and will result in a termination
When all information has been entered, you will be asked to review the Agreement and “click to sign”. Select the “Send Now” button to send your contract for processing.
Contracting will typically take 3-5 business days to process. You will receive an email directly from UnitedHealthcare when your contracting is complete.
You will also receive an email from UHC with your Party ID and instructions on how to begin the certification process. The Party ID is NOT your agent number.
Once certified UHC will issue you a welcome email with a writing number. You can NOT market any products until your writing number has been issued.
Transfer/Release Policy
Agents can only change uplines once a year and transfers will not be processed during UnitedHealthcare’s blackout period, September 1 to December 31.
If you have a signed release, send a copy to [email protected]. A release must be dated within the past 60 days and signed by the agent’s top of hierarchy.
Unable obtain a release? You can submit an Intent to Transfer request via email to [email protected]. Once the Intent to Transfer request is submitted, you will be sent a letter notifying you of the date your 6-month waiting period will end. After the 6-month waiting period, new contracting needs to be submitted to finalize the transfer to The Brokerage Resource.
During that 6-month waiting period, you can continue to write business with your existing hierarchy.
How to apply for Intent to Transfer:
Agent Release Timeline
Agents can only change uplines once a year and transfers will not be processed during UnitedHealthcare’s blackout period, September 1 to December 31.
If you have a signed release, send a copy to [email protected]. A release must be dated within the past 60 days and signed by the agent’s top of hierarchy.
Unable obtain a release? You can submit an Intent to Transfer request via email to [email protected]. Once the Intent to Transfer request is submitted, you will be sent a letter notifying you of the date your 6-month waiting period will end. After the 6-month waiting period, new contracting needs to be submitted to finalize the transfer to The Brokerage Resource.
During that 6-month waiting period, you can continue to write business with your existing hierarchy.
How to apply for Intent to Transfer:
- Submit a Notice of Intent to [email protected] and copy [email protected]. You must include your full name, agent ID, and identify your new up-line in the email (The Brokerage Resource 6337332).
- Example: Hello, My name is John S. Doe, ID 12312. This is my notice of intent to transfer to The Brokerage Resource 6337332.
- UHC Agent Onboarding will confirm receipt of the Notice of Intent and give you a date when your new up-line can submit a new contract for the transfer. This is also copied to your original up-line.
- There is a 6-month waiting period for a transfer from the date of your Notice of Intent to when a new contracting packet can be submitted. During that time, you will remain under your original hierarchy and can still sell UnitedHealthcare plans.
- If you submit a Notice of Intent dated between March 1 and July 1 you will be able to submit a new contract January 1 of the following year.
- After the 6-month waiting period s is up, you have 30 days to submit a new contracting packet. If it isn’t submitted in that time frame, you will remain in your current hierarchy. At that point, a new Notice of Intent would be required and the 6-month waiting period would start over.
Agent Release Timeline
Received |
Notice of Intent |
Letter of Release |
1/1 - 2/28 |
New contract can be completed after 6 months |
Immediate transfer |
3/1 - 6/30 |
New contract can be completed after 1/1 |
Immediate transfer |
7/1 - 8/31 |
New contract can be completed after 6 months |
Immediate transfer |
9/1 - 12/31 |
New contract can be completed after 6 months |
Release can be sent after 1/1 |
Demographic Changes
Log into your Agent Portal (Jarvis). At the top right click your name/corporation name to open profile. Edit necessary information.
Log into your Agent Portal (Jarvis). At the top right click your name/corporation name to open profile. Edit necessary information.
EFT Changes
Log into your Agent Portal (Jarvis). At the top right click your name/corporation name. Click the 'Manage Profile' button and Click 'Edit Direct Deposit information'.
Log into your Agent Portal (Jarvis). At the top right click your name/corporation name. Click the 'Manage Profile' button and Click 'Edit Direct Deposit information'.
Add Non-Resident State
You will need to email [email protected] with the request to add a state(s). This will trigger an email much like the original contracting email, with a link in it. Step through the online questions about the request.
You will need to email [email protected] with the request to add a state(s). This will trigger an email much like the original contracting email, with a link in it. Step through the online questions about the request.
Ready to Sell
Log into your Agent Portal (Jarvis). At the top right click your name/corporation. Click the 'Manage Profile' button and select Licensure & Appointments. To be Ready to Sell you need to see a “Yes” next to the licensed and appointed column.
To remove a state appointment email [email protected]. Include your name, agent ID and list the states you would like to remove.
Log into your Agent Portal (Jarvis). At the top right click your name/corporation. Click the 'Manage Profile' button and select Licensure & Appointments. To be Ready to Sell you need to see a “Yes” next to the licensed and appointed column.
To remove a state appointment email [email protected]. Include your name, agent ID and list the states you would like to remove.