Save time and produce more year-round. Manage your clients and prospects in the enhanced CRM. Quote and enroll clients in Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug plans directly from a contact record. Compliantly record and store calls for 10 years. Quote and enroll clients in Medicare Supplement plans through the integrated CSG App. Purchase verified leads through LeadCENTER that integrates seamlessly with MedicareCENTER. Work on the go with the mobile app and take advantage of Ask Integrity AI to assist you with your daily tasks.
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Enhanced CRM with Dynamic Tagging
Manage clients electronically, on any device at anytime. Track all your clients and leads regardless of enrollment or quoting system. Easily batch import clients or create a new client on the fly with just an e-mail address or phone number. Dynamic tagging allows you to filter and sort clients and leads by plan type, recommendations or any other important attribute.
Quoting & Enrollment
Send Quote allows you to send custom plan comparison charts for Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug plans to your clients, offering them an array of options that will meet their needs.
Easily quote and enroll clients right from the CRM in MedicareCENTER. Available in the web version or the mobile app.
Quote and enroll clients via MedicareApp powered by Connecture or utilize MedicareLINK to search plans by clients’ doctor and compare plans to their current health plan. Quote and enroll them on any device. Quote and enroll clients into Medicare Supplements, Hospital Indemnity, Final Expense or Dental, Vision & Hearing plans via CSGApp.
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Call Recording
Call recording capabilities include:
Seamlessly recording all your inbound and outbound client calls. Easily link calls to both new and existing client contact records. Store your recordings automatically and securely for the full 10-year period required by CMS. Download calls anytime, from wherever you're working - including on the mobile app. |
Ask Integrity AI
Ask Integrity AI is available in MedicareCENTER to help you work as efficiently as possible. It's absolutely free and available to all registered users.
Get all the client information you need by utilizing the built-in, voice activated AI prompts. Ask Integrity Shoppers assists you with carrier data and alerts you to clients who have a higher likelihood of shopping and may need to change their coverage. You can then reach out to these clients with the Client Connect feature to assist them with their Medicare coverage. |
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Policy Management
Policy Management features — Policy Snapshot, Task List and Plans.
Policy Snapshot gives you an at-a-glance status view of your applications and enrollments for Medicare Advantage, Prescription Drug plans and MAPD plans. Task List shows you the next steps to take with clients and leads. Plans shows plan history for each client record. |
Client Connect
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Client Connect is an easy way for you to send compliant marketing messages to your clients. From addressing policy changes and gathering client information to simply wishing them a happy birthday. You're able to track client status with the activity stream and even send text messages directly from a client record.
PlanEnroll Agent
Become a PlanEnroll agent and take advantage of exclusive PlanEnroll leads. Create realtime campaigns in LeadCENTER to receive PlanEnroll leads when you are “checked in” and available to connect with consumers in real-time.
When clients use your personalized (url) link, they will see your contact information and they’ll be able to shop, compare and enroll in the plans you’re appointed to sell — and you’ll get the commission!
Find your Personal Agent Website link in your MedicareCENTER account and share it in your marketing materials. |
Set up lead campaigns and enable real-time lead acquisition through data or call leads. With the flip of a switch, toggle your status to “online” to begin receiving your leads directly into MedicareCENTER. Or use the lead mapping feature to find and purchase leads anywhere in the country. Choose from Internet, Direct Mail and Social Media leads, then purchase leads with just a few clicks. Visit our LeadCENTER page for additional information.
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Integrity for Agents Mobile App
Do everything in the desktop version with the Integrity for Agents mobile app available in both the App Store and the Google Play Store. Take advantage of
full quote and enroll capabilities, view clients in Map View, access LeadCENTER and manage your business on the go. |
Rx Drug Cost Breakdown
View a generic alternative (when available) for brand-name prescription drugs.
View estimated monthly costs which are based on the number of months the plan will be in effect instead of the full year — the cost breakdown is more accurate with fewer surprises for your clients. View total out-of-pocket costs for each plan, including the tier for each prescription drug and any restrictions. |