Part B giveback is another term for a Part B premium reduction or rebate. This is when a Medicare Advantage plan reduces the amount your client pays towards their Part B monthly premium. These rebates are offered by some Medicare Advantage plans and are designed to make plans more affordable. The amount of these Part B rebates can range depending upon the Medicare Advantage plan. They can be as low as $20 for some plans and yet, some plans offer more than $100 in giveback rebates.
How it Works:
If a Medicare beneficiary is on Social Security, the Part B premium comes out of their monthly benefit before the funds are deposited to their bank account OR it's reflected in their monthly check. The Part B giveback reduces their Part B premium, which means more money ends up in the individual’s bank account. If your client pays their Part B premium directly (not by automatic Social Security check deduction), their Part B premium statement will be updated with the giveback amount credited to what they owe. The standard Part B premium for 2024 is $174.70. This amount changes yearly and is based on income. An Example: If a beneficiary's monthly Social Security check is normally $1,600 and their giveback is $100, their Social Security benefit will now be $1,700. If they pay the standard Part B premium ($174.70) the amount they will owe after receiving the giveback will be $74.70. Part B givebacks can offer Medicare beneficiaries a way to save money by choosing a Medicare Advantage plan. To be eligible for this program your client must be responsible for paying their own Part B premium, which means they are NOT eligible to receive Medicaid or participate in a Medicare Savings Plan. As always, it's important to make sure a Medicare Advantage plan fits your client's needs and budget. It's also crucial to make sure it includes access to the doctors and hospitals they need, as well as making sure their prescription drugs are on the plan’s formulary. Comments are closed.
AuthorCarolyn has a B.A. from Manhattanville University and has been with The Brokerage Resource since 2012. Carolyn Portanova
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